
Un blog para compartir fotos y aventuras de nuestros peluches NICI. A blog to share photos and adventures of our NICI plushes.

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

Panda en el Monasterio de Yuste - Panda at Monastery of Yuste

En 1556 Carlos I de España y V de Alemania, se retiró al Monasterio de Yuste (Cáceres) después de abdicar de la corona española en favor de su hijo Felipe II y de la corona del Sacro Imperio Romano en favor de su hermano Fernando I
In 1556 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor retired to the Monastery of Yuste (Cáceres) after having abdicated the Spanish crown in favour of his son Philip II of Spain and the crown of the Holy Roman Empire in favour his brother Ferdinand I

El monasterio se amplió en 1556 para poder albergar al emperador y a los 50 ó 60 miembros de su séquito
The monastery was expanded in 1556 to make room for the emperor and the 50 or 60 members of his entourage.

A menudo iban a visitarlo personajes muy conocidos, incluyendo su hijo ilegítimo Don Juan de Austria, y su heredero, Felipe II
From time to time, well-known people, including his illegitimate son Don Juan of Austria, as well as his heir Philip II of Spain, came to visit the retired emperor

Carlos V sufrió de graves ataques de gota, y murió de malaria el 21 de septiembre de 1558, debido a una picadura de mosquito, que posiblemente provenía de este lago artificial
Charles V suffered, however, from a severe case of the gout and died of malaria on September 21, 1558, due to a mosquito bite, probably coming from this artificial lake

Durante la Guerra de la Independencia, el monasterio fue destruido y quedó en ruinas hasta 1949, en que el gobierno español lo restauró. El área alrededor de Yuste, el Valle del Jerte, es un destino eco-turístico. Los visitantes pueden ver el monasterio, incluido los apartamentos del rey. El valle también es conocido por sus cerezos y por la belleza de su paisaje.
During the Spanish War of Independence, the monastery was burnt to the ground. It was left in ruins until 1949, when the Spanish government restored it. The area around Yuste, the Valley of the Jerte, is now an eco-tourist destination. Tourists can visit the monastery, including the emperor's apartments. The valley is also known for its cherry trees and the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Ya sabéis que a nuestros peluches Nici les encanta hacer turismo y visitar lugares con historia. Esta vez Panda fue a visitar el Monasterio de Yuste. Esperamos que os gusten las fotitos y que disfrutéis con la entrada :)

You already know that our Nici plushies love to do tourism and to visit historic places. This time Panda visited the Monastery of Yuste. We hope you will like the pics and enjoy this post :)

8 comentarios:

  1. Que bonito el monasterio, es precioso. Si, se nota que a vuestros peluches les encanta hacer turismo, yo nunca e hecho tanto turismo jaja. Besos

  2. Hello Raquel. We enjoy your wonderful photos of this formidable historic place. And we love to accompany your beautiful plush on their tourist tours. You are a very talented photographer and the play of light and shadow on your pictures is so felicitous :-) Greetings to lovely Panda

  3. We enjoyed Panda's guided tour of the Monastery of Yuste. Your pictures are great. The beautiful weather is always on your side ^_^

  4. @Bea: el monasterio por fuera y el entorno que le rodea son preciosos. Por dentro está totalmente reconstruido, pero merece la pena conocerlo :)

  5. @Leona: This Monastery joins Spanish along with German History, because Charles V was the Emperator of both countries. I am very glad that you liked our pics :)
    Thanks for being so kind

  6. @Hugo: Thanks for your words. Weather was very nice that weekend, but we expect bad weather for Easter holidays :(((
    Nevertheless we are going to take more photos these holidays, no matter bad or good weather hehehe

  7. Yes, and another trip is made! I like these staying at home travels a lot! We've never been to Spain. We always go to France... I've made some posts about our favorite place in France called Brittany. In Dutch that's Bretagne. If you want to see those post you can search in 2010 May. There you can follow our trip from day one till we went home again...

  8. @Hammie: Don't doubt I will take a look to your travel to Brittany, thanks for your advice :)
