
Un blog para compartir fotos y aventuras de nuestros peluches NICI. A blog to share photos and adventures of our NICI plushes.

lunes, 11 de enero de 2010

Nevando en Madrid - Snowing in Madrid

Este invierno está siendo muy frío. Ayer cayó una enoooorme nevada en Madrid. Osito Polar ha disfrutado muchísimo con la nieve. Eso sí, hemos llegado un "poquito" tarde al trabajo :(

This winter is very cold. Yesterday snowed a lot in Madrid. Polar Bear has had a nice time with the snow. But, we have been a "little bit" late to work :(

2 comentarios:

  1. I believe POLAR BEAR will get you to work in time. Meh Mehhh...

  2. :D Snow Snow Snow..... It is cold outside.. Keep yourself warm :3
