Real Colegiata de la Santísima Trinidad, anexa al Palacio: aquí está enterrado el Rey Felipe V
Church of Santísima Trinidad next to the Palace: here is buried King Felipe V
Church of Santísima Trinidad next to the Palace: here is buried King Felipe V

Palacio Real de la Granja de San Ildefonso, comenzó a construirse en 1721
Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso, its construction started in 1721

The palace is in a restrained baroque style surrounded by extensive gardens in the French manner and sculptural fountains. It is also known as "Little Versailles"

Y ahora vamos a ver los jardines y las fuentes!!!
And now, let's see the gardens and the fountains!!!

The gardens extend over 6.1 km2, and the designer used the natural slope from the mountains to the palace grounds both as an aid for visual perspective and as a source for sufficient head to make water shoot out of the twenty-six sculptural fountains that decorate the park

All of the fountains represent themes from classical mythology

They fountains are cast in lead to prevent corrosion and painted over to simulate bronze

Sculptors arrived from Paris to execute designs on the site

Today, only a few fountains are active each day. Twice a year, on the feast days of San Fernando and San Luis, all twenty-six fountains are set to play, providing a memorable show.

Espero que os haya gustado!!!
I hope you have enjoyed the visit!!
Y ésta es la segunda parte de nuestra visita a La Granja. Espero que os haya gustado y que vayáis un día a conocerla, merece la pena :)
And this is the second part of our travel to La Granja. I hope you like it and come to visit it some time, it is really worth to do it :)
And this is the second part of our travel to La Granja. I hope you like it and come to visit it some time, it is really worth to do it :)
Me encantan las fotos, Rob sale muy majo en todas las fotos y La Granja se ve bien chula!!! ^_^
ResponderEliminar@Bea: Merece la pena ir a verlo, es espectacular :)
ResponderEliminarRaquel, we really love your photos :D
ResponderEliminarWhat a beautiful place!
@Hugo: thank you very much, the place is beautiful and romantic hehe ;-)
Nos ha encantado el reportaje y Rob lo cuenta estupendamente. Conozco el lugar e incluso he visto las fuentes en funcionamiento, tengo que llevar a Alicia a verlo. Gracias
ResponderEliminarSoy la mami de Alicia, una forofa de tu blog
@Mami de Alicia: muchas gracias por tus amables palabras. Todo estaba tan bonito con la nieve y el hielo... imagino que cuando se pongan en funcionamiento las fuentes debe de ser maravilloso. Por lo que vimos, las abren el 30 de mayo y el 25 de julio, a ver si podemos ir a admirar el espectáculo
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias por pasarte por el blog
cool pictures! and i like the sheep you adopted! haha it eats the grass and makes a funny noise which at first scared me when i didn't know what it was)))
ResponderEliminar@Michael: Nice to find you here :)))
ResponderEliminarThe sheep noise is very funny, and you can feed her whenever you want :)