El Palacio Real es la Residencia Oficial de los Reyes de España, aunque sólo se utiliza en ceremonias de estado
The Royal Palace It is the official residence of the Spanish Kings, but it is only used for state ceremonies

Es el mayor palacio de Europa Occidental en cuanto a extensión, con 135.000 m² y más de 3.418 habitaciones
It is the biggest Western Europe palace, for its major extension: 135.000 m2 and more than 3.418 rooms

En su interior alberga valiosísimas colecciones de pintura, escultura y tapicería
There are inside most valuable colections of paintings, sculptures and tapestries

Plaza de Oriente: estatua de Felipe IV, considerada como una de las mejores estatuas del mundo
Oriente Square: sculpture of King Felipe IV, considered as one of the best sculptures of the World

Se empezó a construir en 1879, sobre los restos de una antigua mezquita destruida en 1085 cuando Alfonso VI conquistó Madrid
Its construction begun in 1879, on the site of a medieval mosque that was destroyed in 1085 when Alfonso VI conquered Madrid
Our wolfie has taken a good use of his Christmas Holidays to take a walk by one of the most beautiful and romantic places in Madrid. There is the Royal Palace, The Almudena Cathedral and Oriente Square. If you come someday to Madrid, don't forget to visit them, because they are worth it :)
Raquel, your pictures are so beautiful!! :) Thank you for recommending these places in Madrid and the little rocker wolf is so cute.
ResponderEliminarMadrid has many beautiful places to visit. I will post more photos soon ;)
Que bonitas fotos, se ve muy chulo todo y el lobito se lo paso muy bien ^^
ResponderEliminarHappy New Year!! We would like to be friends with you! Follow us on http://travelwithmichael.blogspot.com/
ResponderEliminaralso welcome to out Toy Travel group on FB! www.facebook.com/toyhop
I linked our blogs yesterday, do you remember?
ResponderEliminarGreetings from my fluffies
Yes Raquel, please post more pictures on Madrid. We love it ^_^