
Un blog para compartir fotos y aventuras de nuestros peluches NICI. A blog to share photos and adventures of our NICI plushes.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Nici Bunny catando vinos - Nici Bunny trying wines

Jeje, la noche promete!!!
Hehe, this night seems good!!!

Cuántas botellas de vino!!!
A lot of wine bottles!!!

Catando los vinos
Trying wines

Oh, Dios mío, qué mareoooo
Oh my God, I feel dizzy

Al final nos regalaron dos botellas de vino, jejeje
At the end, they gave us 2 bottles of wine, hehehe

Holaaaaa!!! Perdonadme que haya tardado tanto en actualizar, pero he tenido unos días de mucho trabajo :(
Ayer estuvimos en una cata de vinos, y nuestro amigo Bunny se vino con nosotros. Catamos 18 vinos diferentes!!!! Así que, llegamos a casa un poquito borrachos, jejeje ;)

Hiiiiiii!!! Excuse me for being late to actualize, but these days have been full of work :(
Yesterday, we went to a "wine trying", and our friend Bunny came with us. We tried 18 types of Spanish wines!!!! So, when we arrived home, we felt a bit drunk, hehehe ;)

6 comentarios:

  1. Was it a cheese & wine tasting night? Ive never been but sounds good :)

  2. No, only wine tasting. We tasted initially 11 wines, then, while dinner, more wines, and after dinner, more!!! Fortunately, as they were good wines, we don't have a headache, but we have been drinking water all day XDDD

  3. Ooo I like a good bottle of wine. Although I always thought it a waist to have to spit out the wine when doing wine tasting.

  4. Not always you have to split out it.... In fact, that night we didn't do that, so you can imagine how we arrived home ;)

  5. lol.. hope the bunny didn't get wasted.. :D

  6. Fortunately, the hangover was very light (that is because the wines were of good quality), but Bunny was drinking water and sleepy all the day after :))
